The Art Of Trasforming Grapes Into Wine

"The Fornaser’s trademark represents the alpha and the omega into a globe, which is flattened at the poles. In the middle there is the leaf, the bunch of grapes and the stalks. The beginning and the end, the completeness of the world and the established order of the universe, - which is cultivated and tamed through the wisdom, the work, the intelligence and passion of the wine maker - are traced back to the beginnings of the vineyards that have their origins in the myth of Dionysus, and to the gift, that was given to humanity by his ancient representative , Icarus the farmer."

of Giuseppe Fornaser

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Azienda Agricola Monte Faustino di Fornaser Paolo
Via Bure Alto, 1 - 37029 - S.Pietro in Cariano (VR)
Partita IVA 02695210233 - Cod. Fiscale FRNPLA65H30L781Q